Porsche is worried about “looking dumb.” That boat has sailed, darling.
Brendan, aka The Homophobic Asshole: “Porsche is acting like a ditzy girl.” She is not “acting," anymore than you are, Brendan.
Has Brendan been taking Asshole pills. He’s so much worse than he was two years ago. [See previous column]
See Keith. See Keith talk. See Keith dig his own grave with his mouth. Dig, Keith, dig.
Was anyone not throwing the competition?

Best thing about this broadcsat: Was Lawon even on it? One barely glimpsed the annoying little twerp. There was more of Evel Dick after he left the house than there was of Lawon He's more likable the less you see of him. If I never set eyes on him again, I might even start to like him (or not).
Can I watch Dancing With the Stars now, please? Cheers darlings.
While I sit here suffering with a root canal absess that seems to be resisting every antibiotic, I do want to take the time to thank you sweet Ms. Moorehead. Not just for this column but for all the new-found friends I have made in the Endodontist's office awaiting my my appointments for yet more treatement while having your book in my hands. You have been quite the topic of conversations so curious 'are your ears ringing"?
People ask me what the book is about and oddly I can't come up with a succinct sentence of description
Just tell them it's the most-important book ever written.
Oh Tallulah, how I wish you were doing your recaps on The Huffington Post. Screw them for messing with you. I don't know if I will be able to enjoy the shit show Big Brother is without you. I have added your blog to my favorites and look forward to reading your posts. Hopefully you will be adding a lot of your delightful insight on Big Brother. I can't believe that they brought back those annoying assholes, Brendan and Rachel. Thank God for alcohol! It is the only way I can get through Big Brother and the Real Housewives of NY. I digress...
Oh Tallulah, I had to laugh watching the Thursday night episode of Big Brother (can't wait to see your review). I have just one word, demasculinate. I mean did I hear that correctly from both Brendan and Rachel? And he is worried about her making him look unprofessional!
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