Darlings, those of you who are so retro, entertainment-wise (Sorry, I watched Billy Wilder's The Apartment over the weekend, and now I'm stuck adding "wise" to every noun in sight), that you still go to live theater will want to read my review of The Tony Awards Show over on The HuffPo. Just click here:
If you'd like to read last year's Tony Awards review, click here:
See if you can spot the recycled gag in both reviews.
Cheers, darlings.
I am totally stealing "Volderdork" and "Gandoofus" (giving credit where it's due with a link if posted online). I swear, every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings, my television emits an ether-like substance that renders me unable to move from my recliner, head drooped, spittle running down my chin, eyes glazed, and muscles unable to coordinate movement that would allow for an escape…I am forced to view this *must see summer series”. I view while my mind engages in an internal battle between reason and spectacle. Most seasons don’t fail to disappoint, but this season is spectacular! I shift from repugnance to hysterical laughter multiple times per episode! I am sooooo looking forward to how CBS handles Chima's departure...Next stop for her is probably Plyboy! I so hope that someone posts footage of action and speech of the Chima’s departure! How did that chic get put in to the "brains clique" initially? One of my last straws in reference to her was when her grandmother indicated that the correct pronunciation of her name was "CHI -MA" but that she preferred "SHE-MA" which I suppose would serve her better in her next career as adult entertainer. I just have sour grapes...I want Kaysar back...
Oops...I left this comment on the wromg post. It seems that I cannot delete it, so i am copying it to the Big Brother Post
Nice blog post found here..Really I like it..Thanks for posting this blog I like the trophy ...
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